January 17, 2014


As an elementary education major I am in enrolled in a PE class this semester. A PE class where we learn to teach PE. My first day of the new semester I only had one class, this class. I feel like it's normal on the first day to feel completely overwhelmed. Teachers tell  you about every single assignment, pop quiz, and test that will be required of you over the course of the coming months. My teacher went over all of that but the only thing that really remained with me was "whistle blowing pass offs". Yes, you read that right. We were required to purchase a FOX 40 whistle (apparently there are different kind of whistles. I thought there were only two kinds of whistles: rape whistles and then just whistles) and then pass off our ability to blow the whistle correctly and confidently.

Ridiculous right? I know, but I still got nervous because my teacher spent a solid 5 minutes talking about this whistle blowing technique. WHAT?? Sometimes I think I pay to be taught the strangest things. Never in a million years would I EVER think that my tuition money would be going towards this. woof. 

Here's the part where I talk about how this is going to be my new favorite class. plot twist!! Every Friday we have Lab which means class is held in a gym and we are basically taught as if we we're in elementary school. We learn about space, movement, and basic techniques like throwing and catching. Last Friday we spent the whole entire class period running around, I swear. Most of the activities turn into a game of some sort that are seriously so fun. By the end of our first Friday lab I concluded that I'm definitely counting this as a workout. Today our lab focused a lot on skills. We discussed sport cues for dribbling a basketball, bumping a volleyball, and throwing a football. I ROCKED IT! I don't know why but for once in my life I felt like I was athletic and coordinated. For years, or my whole life I have pretended that I was athletic and sporty. I wanted to fit in with the boys and be accepted by three older brothers. Whenever I have competitively participated in any sport I have failed miserably. I am probably the least competitive person there ever was. Yeah, I can dribble a ball with my head up, keeping it at my waist level and using my finger pads(what we learned today). Put me in a basketball game and I would rather pass my opponent the ball then have her scowling at me trying to steal it away I would probably smile back or something. I might even just give her a hug. 

So today, my teacher kept praising me.  I enjoyed it way too much I think because i'm writing a post about it. Maybe I should reconsider what I want to teach. PE at the elementary level is so competitive free and still so fun! Just how I like it. 

and I passed off my whistle blowing. If you need any tips, I've got a few. ;) 

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