June 18, 2014

summer intern- am I an adult yet??

Well Summer is in full swing around here. Wedding season is upon us. I have 3 weddings THIS week alone. Good thing i love weddings like i love taking naps.

Before the rain and freezing temps these past couple of days it felt like summer too. COME BACK SUMMER!

Basically I feel like my summer has been pretty darn perfect. Last summer I was at Oakcrest so i didn't really have much of a summer at all. No joke just about every night i verbalize to someone how much i love summer. I feel like a teenager who has managed to negotiate a later curfew. I feel like i have so much freedom. School nights don't exist anymore and i'm not responsible for 13-year-old girls. I don't always have to be that mature leader who insists that bed times are a must and acts fearless around mice and other creepy things. It is the biggest relief.

So school nights don't exist anymore but you know what does exist? This thing called work. I am officially an intern. That makes me feel so adult. It's cool to be apart of something that is so beneficial and important. (woo! go education/ kids really are our future)

oh and in case i haven't told you, Summer is my favorite time.

and a fathers day recap of our water balloon death match. (Dad's request)

sure love this dad of mine

June 15, 2014

the girls of 72

I miss my roommates so I just keep watching this video. It's like our little adventure reel put together by Kylie who is so talented! It's also getting me pretty hyped up about going to Moab with them in two weeks since I missed the Moab trip during the school year. 

long live 72. also that video i'm telling you, you should really watch it. 

June 2, 2014

we all need each other

Each day I get a little bit older and every day I am reminded that I always need help from other people. No matter how much I learn or how qualified I become in something I will still always need the help that everyone around me can offer. I'm realizing, however, that sometimes it's not really the actual help that we need. I'm fairly certain there are enough YouTube tutorials to teach us anything we need to know. For goodness sake there is a tutorial on YouTube to show how to navigate YouTube..seems kind of ironic to me. Anyway what i'm trying to say I guess is that we need each other because we need the support that other people can give to us. Something youtube certainly can't do. 

Over memorial day weekend we managed to flood the basement in our cabin and were without water for the whole weekend. I didn't have a hard time with any of that though. (I was actually pretty pumped to get to brush my teeth oakcrest style-which means water bottle and nature!) we were able to take care of things and I was happy to help. It's when I had to run to all my uncles cabins asking for something else that the Stewart Hewlett cabin wasn't stocked with at that current moment, which was everything from screwdrivers, fans, WD40, wet vac's, matches oh and their nice warm shower.

I'm convinced I have the worlds best uncles who give me bear hugs, tell me i'm beautiful on the reg, and help me out with anything. I know this yet it was still so hard for me to ask for help. Looking back now at that crazy weekend we would have been in trouble without all the support nearby. We were able to collect everything within four different cabins we needed to get by and enjoy the weekend. Which is just like what happens in life. We have support systems and friends where we can take a marble from the jar, sometimes multiple marbles. Then later on we may be adding to it while someone else is reaching in for those figurative marbles which is really just support from others. Sometimes that help and support comes from things people can offer us to help us (like when we flooded our basement) but it can also be time spent with someone or sharing a burden to help relieve another.

We all need each other no matter how much we hate to admit it.