February 26, 2012

Yes, I am a Freshman

The most dreaded question is quite possibly the following “what year are you in school?” You know, I think I  might even despise it.  Sometimes when my co-workers find out I am a freshman they act really surprised. I haven't figured that one out though, because it's not like I look or act older. I am pretty sure they just feel bad for me or for asking because it is almost embarrassing so they just say a whole bunch of things that are supposed to make me feel better.

Not everything about being a freshman is negative. In fact it's not negative at all. I just hate being asked and then having to tell people. (I feel a lot of judgment being passed)  For instance there have been many occasions where it is just so tempting to push your roommate around in a cart at the grocery store.  Sometimes I will say “guys we have freshman written all over our foreheads” but then continue in the typical freshman behavior because it's just too fun. And guess what, we can get away with it. For now. Believe it or not freshman year is coming to a rapid close, it seems too fast sometimes. I need to enjoy being annoying while I can, right?  Not even so much that we're annoying, but I think that once past the first year you just get boring and start taking school too seriously. (okay more seriously then any freshman does) and anyone who thinks we are annoying just forgot to have fun.

So here's to living up these last few months as a “young and wild and free” freshman!

this picture says it all. Just a typical Sunday night in 301. oh ya and our mattresses have been 
in the living room all weekend, just how I like it!

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