August 10, 2014

the point of no return

Well folks, it's that point in the summer when we can count the weeks remaining on one hand. The beginning always starts out so slow and then before I know it i'm leaving my cabin yet again which signifies that July is almost over. I've been way emotional lately. I've never been the kind of girl to just cry. It's normally a thing that happens to me maybe twice a year if that. So it feels nice to be more normal but yeah I don't really know whats happening to me.

I feel like a lot of things in my life are coming to a close lately and I have to make big decisions. The other day I was talking to a friend on campus who was my mentor at SOAR, which is orientation when you're a freshman. This friend and i were talking about graduation and plans afterwards and MY HEAD LITERALLY STARTED SPINNING. I got dizzy, you guys....i didn't even know that was possible and i felt fine. The thought of graduating

I'm terrified to graduate but i'm excited at what is in store for the future. in Norway for 2 months. SERIOUSLY THOUGH SOMEBODY PINCH ME. Just think next time i blog I'll be back in Logan living that glorious college life for a little while longer. can't wait.

because July is the best month- some derby pics.

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