August 26, 2014

Big Bad Seniors

Yeah, you read that title right. S-E-N-I-O-R. Say what? Trust me i'm in disbelief too. Honestly, i'm the most terrified college student there is. AND I won't even have the full two semesters to soak everything in. You know like finally grow up and be ready for the post grad life. I'm taking off in December and leaving my beloved college town to student teach elsewhere. So that's approx four months left. What the heck, is all I have to say.

Our last, first day ever.

Yesterday I went to the longest class of my life. When your teacher gives you two breaks that's how you know it is long. Then I came home and my car was booted. In my parking lot. Sup senior year. It was kinda a rough start to the first day but really it has been so much fun to be back with my best girls and surrounded by so many friends.

Notes of importance:

-Paige and I have every single class together because we're both EL ED majors so that totally rocks.
-There is not a single boy in any of my classes this semester, too.much.estrogen fills the room.
-I have not been on time to a single class. Senioritis at it's finest.
-My cousin McKinley is my next door neighbor and it's the funnest! everyone I meet says "Megan? ohh you're the cousin?" then we're fast friends. ;)
-My backyard has the best view of cache valley
-My room is seriously the same size as my whole apt last year
-My closest isn't full. So I need more clothes
-I keep seeing kids that I met Freshman year and it's the weirdest. that whole mission thing.... ya know
-The night I moved in I wanted to cry because people were being social and I forgot what that's like.
-It's my senior year and I just bought myself a lap top
-I made my dad move me in, not because I needed him but I just wanted him to. The older I get the more needy I become for my parents.
-Nothing in the world is right because this year Amy sent Ky and I off to school. :(

I force him to be my best cousin friend.

bring on senior year. (****insert fist bump emoji)


  1. You are seriously the CUTEST Megs!! I'm so happy to be in your life!! :)

  2. Wait just cried a little bit bc I'm not there with you guys
