September 9, 2013

a clothing malfunction sort of day

It has been one of those days where I wake up with high hopes of conquering Monday-when in reality I think it has already conquered me.

The clothing malfunction is a thing...some skirts don't work very well with backpacks causing them to hike up in the back.  And that's not something you realize until you are more then half way to campus and already late to class.  I think, "I'm fine I've got this, this skirt is not going to get in my way of Monday" and then suddenly you realize you have to walk ALL the way to the other side of campus to get to work.  (It's happened to me before where I have worn this skirt to school and experienced the hassle of tugging on it every 3 steps.) I felt like everywhere I walked though that I was in the way, like I was an unwelcome new comer.  

Oh no, did I look like a Freshman??

but it's fine because I just came across this and now I can't stop laughing.  One day I looked at this with Mike and Chels and laughed for hours.