January 10, 2012

the following is a public service announcement

Gilly has one zit.  Upon hearing the news I think a congratulations is in order.  Congrats Gill.  Sometime last night I received a call and once I answered I knew something was wrong.  You could hear the distress in her voice. At first I couldn’t utter a response and then the laughter erupted. (You should first understand that I was a normal person who experienced acne at that lovely youthful age of 13/14. And quite frankly I still do.) A short while later I was able to ask if this was her first ever visit from those lovely/sometimes red-headed guys.  She claims it is not the first, but in all our years of friendship I haven’t ever seen a zit on that pretty little face of hers.  Later I realized that she called because she didn’t know how to pop a zit.  I could not help myself and I again broke into another laughing fit. I guess I am practically a profesh when it comes to that. 

The first few days back at school have been typical and predictable.  Everyone looked fancy-schmancy in their first day outfits.  (I am a firm believer in the third day outfit)  Then I ran into that one person who every time you see them asks if they have met you.  This is when I fake a genuine smile and turn to my REAL friend who knows my name and say “we have met 6 times!” I think this is a valid complaint coming from me because I thought I was bad with names… but 6 times? Really? Then a smoker/hipster came and asked me a question and practically blew smoke right into my mouth. I don't know how it traveled so well because we were at least three feet apart. I am currently suffering from a nauseating headache. woof  Next a boy in the computer lab kept coming up to staple papers and would say stuff like “I’ll take your word for it” and “thanks” a whole bunch. Yeah, he totally thought I was cute.
 yep pretty typical alright, especially the last one.  okay okay I am only kidding.

always a pleasure


  1. Ethan wants you to know that he thought your post was funny. He chuckled as we read it. :)

  2. I'm Gilly Olsen, and I approve this message.
