January 24, 2012

did that just happen?

you know what i thoroughly enjoy? visiting megan at the library. it's lovely to see her beautiful face and we have DEEP conversations from time to time. we've definitely had a few fiascos during these visits. here is my favorite one:

visiting megan at the north desk. we're having a really deep convo about the gospel. this guy is talking to the girl on the other desk. he was joking around, introducing her to prospective customers as the finest lab consultant on the block. megan laughs, requests an introduction of herself from him. they joke around--it happens with boys and girls at utah state. i'd say mild flirtation is a common occurrence 'round these parts. 

He asks her name. 

"Where are you from, Megan?"

"Sandy... So what high school did you go to?"

(Now, am I the only one that noticed that this guy doesn't talk about himself at all?)

"When did you graduate?"
"Just last year."

"Okay, so do you know a Gilly? ... Gilly Olsen?"

I froze. Was this seriously happening? Do I know him? How does he know me? 
Megan looked at me as if to ask through eye contact, "Who is he? Are you two playing a joke on me or something?"

"Uh.... That's me... I'm Gilly Olsen.... What's your name?"

He was my sister's friend. My sister's friend--who was thoroughly and understandably embarrassed! Luckily for him, embarrassment is my forte! 


We were all dissolved in laughter! It was a great day. 

Megan and I have great times at the library. One day a girl she worked with asked if we were sisters. What do we do? Simultaneously fist pump and say "YES!!" Which made the girl's question even more understandable.

Sometimes Megan's cousin comes in. He's a hoot. I never say that, but I feel it's appropriate. 

Good times, we have. Good times. 

In fact, I'd say it's always a pleasure. 


  1. is it just me or does everything completely great and exciting happen in the library? it is a good place i tell ya!

  2. hahahaha no way! this is just too much!
