April 8, 2012

always, always, always a bridesmaid

Justin and Jenn were married on April 7, 2012 In the Logan, UT temple. (my stomping grounds!)  well kinda. It was so great to have the family come to me.  It was a fun-filled/ busy day nonetheless, worth it. I don't think it matters what we're doing, just as long as my family is all together. In between the luncheon and reception I brought my sibs back to my apartment where the little girls put on over sized t-shirts and played while everyone else found a spot and crashed. (literally) Next thing we knew we had to get back for the reception. 

The photographer was taking family pics so he started arranging everyone together, he had arranged the bride and groom, parents, grandma, and the little girls. The rest of us were just waiting for our Que to hop in the pic. So he says "okay, I need all of the couples." um....so there I was singled out in my singleness looking at the ground. ALONE. Yes, I'm the youngest. I mean due to the natural happenings in life this was supposed to happen. Too soon, too soon. But I had never even thought about it. (word to the youngins: everyone gets married and leaves you. prepare early. And it would probably be a good idea not to like them so much!) Talk about a rude awakening that I hadn't thought of all day. EVERYONE IS MARRIED!!  One day I wont just be a bridesmaid even Katherine Heigl in 27 dresses eventually gets married! (don't get me wrong though I have really enjoyed my bridesmaid duties through all these weddings!)

The rest of the photog sesh was a freaking RIOT!  so first off they thought we were funny. not completely sure why, but we ate it up man!  Every time we would do something weird or unexpected he would freak out and say "do it again for a picture" he was all about making everything exciting and candid. (insert woos here!) When me and Collin started having a bubble fight with Kit he turned all of his attention to us, I guess we were causing a scene, many scenes. I went inside for a sec while he was taking pictures of just the groomsmen and when I returned I found all 3 brothers and brother-in-law crouching down a bit blowing kisses. I LOST IT. I have never seen anything funnier. ever! Yep you guessed it, he took a picture of my reaction to them.  Then my two oldest brothers proceeded to lift me up by my arms and ankles and swing me from side to side. Unfortunately by this point I think the photographer was on to us, I don't think he got a picture. Dang it. But worth every minute. 

yay for marriage, yay for familes, yay for temples

congrats you two

always a pleasure


  1. He tried taking a pic of you swinging from side to side but you were done by the time he was ready =) haha! best blog post ever. <3 Jenn HEWLETT! =)

    1. HE DID?? haha well i'm glad he tried! ps. love the last name SIS! :)
      and welcome to the fam, sorry we're a bunch of weirdys!!

  2. You're too cute Megan! Before you know it it will be your own wedding--but in the meantime, enjoy being single! :)
