October 21, 2014

always a bridesmaid // part 2

The bachelorette party

Breakfast for dinner. Mini red solo cups for apple juice shots. This pretty much sums up last year.

Cass, one of the "freshmen" got married last weekend! She's not a freshman anymore but her and Paco will forever hold that title. Cass's bachelorette party was so much fun. Usually I work nights but it was so nice to take the night off and spend it with my favorite gals. 
The party planning was executed quite nicely and it turned out perfectly. Seasoned mom's make it look so easy but we were frantically running errands and cooking right up till the last minute. I don't know how mom's do it so often and so well.

The wedding day

It was basically the wedding of the century! It was such a fun day and everything was perfect. Cass looked gorgeous and we made pretty good bridesmaids if I must say so myself! 

We had a getting ready party at my apt. We did cass's hairs real pretty and ate bagels. Then Cass went off and got married. Just like that. She's so adult and it just makes me emotional.

HER DRESS! can we talk about that? stunning. Seriously she looked perfect. And i'm obsessed with her flowers. 

Cassidy had one of the raddest last names ever. Grizzle. You know.... like "the grizz" anyway this is us saying goodbye to it and retiring it for good. Now she has a last name I don't think I will ever know how to spell. oops.  Love ya Cass and Trent! it was so special being apart of your day! 

always a bridesmaid // part 1 here. 

October 7, 2014

half way there. so close, so far

Guys, all I have to say is hitting a wall is real. One moment I'm in love with everything about school and my classes and my future. Then I suddenly hate everything about Logan. The thought of sitting in my 3 hour and 15 minute classes gives me anxiety and makes my body physically hurt. Sometimes I even seriously start reconsidering my major or like just dropping out. I have zero motivation. I'm not productive. And all I can think about is how my life is in shambles. The second of the two scenarios described above is how I have felt for the past week. I know my life isn't really in shambles. But lets be real it's darn close.

Hopefully this turns out how I envisioned it and it's actually funny. If not please comment below and I will never blog again.

Reasons to date me currently:

>Hey boys, I'm real good at making lesson plans.

>Hey boys, don't worry about me being too clingy because I'll maybe see you twice a week.

>Hey boys, I rely on caffeinated beverages to keep me happy. caffeine= my little pills of happiness

>Hey boys, you say the word and I'll probably start sobbing uncontrollably. here's the tricky part- we don't know what "the word" actually is.

>Hey boys, I'm completely unpredictable lately. That's like the same things as mysterious, right?

>Hey boys, I enjoy binge eating chocolate chips while watching Netflix during my downtime. wait what downtime?

>Is dating during my senior year of college hopeless? I don't know what will be worse, dating during my senior year or my first year of teaching? or when i'm not in my 21 year-old prime?? 

All I have to say is Av's, I totally feel ya girlfriend.

Over and out, the senior in shambles