September 12, 2012

Winning team

Last Friday Utah State beat the U 27-20. It hasn't been done in 12 years so i'm sure you can imagine it was quite the upset.  Waiting in line for three hours was totally worth it once we all rushed the field.  It was awesome.  Student's started piling onto the field so fast I thought I was going to get pushed off the eight foot barrier. All was well though we huddled, jumped, screamed, and sang koombaya together. Tender? yes. yay for the Aggie victory, those boy's sure deserved it!

alright that's enough about football. 

The next day this cute little Gillster of mine came to Logan.  Along with some other friends we went to this total hipster concert thing at the TSC.  Yeah we didn't fit in, but hey it was still super fun!  The weekend was also filled with some successful creeping.  Logan sure misses having her around. 

Now fast forward to the present day

I got to sleep in. Sleeping in 3 weeks ago was 10 AM and now it's 8:20 AM. (School ruins you)  I then went on a leisurely walk around Logan while talking to the sister.(yes, I will have a walking group one day.)  Afterwards I met with my adviser at school to turn in my EL ED application. Finally! 

Now we wait. 

Good thing many great things have happened today because I failed to mention that I have fallen down stairs today and been ignored on campus like 3 times. Oh and those poor kids who notice me saying hi to somebody and then getting ignored. They feel so awkward for me.  Good thing I'm over it.

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