*This post is going to be a little different then the usual posting round these parts.*
Today marks the birthday of my Mom, Kathryn Jean. And about a month from today marks the 10th year of her passing.
I am overcome with joy as I write this because to this day I still feel complete comfort. My life has been full of extraordinary blessings and I know that it has all been a part of our Heavenly Fathers plan. And I know that I will indeed see her again.
I am confident that my Mom has placed other women in my life, at times when I needed them, that I have been able to draw strength from, look up to, and constantly share my current battles with. It always reminds me that she is in fact still mindful of her baby girl.
She is the most beautiful women and I am crossing my fingers I will look like her one day. She is so sweet, caring, and the most humble and meek person I can think of. And, well, by now i'm sure she is near perfect.
It has been fun today to peruse through old documents and pictures and reminisce my childhood as well as try to envision her wedding day. I came across a birthday card which I felt was fitting because well, it's her birthday and because the things said in the card are spot on. It came from a primary sister when she was the sunbeam teacher with her twin sister Karen. She must have been in her early twenties because she wasn't married yet. I am just amazed at how tender this card is and that the things mentioned were true throughout her life.
we sure love and miss you.
Happy Birthday Mom